Journal Prompts for Embracing the Art of Doing Less

“Never be in a hurry; do everything quietly and in a calm spirit.
Do not lose your inner peace for anything whatsoever, even if your whole world seems upset.
What is anything in life compared to peace of soul?”
― Francis de Sales

Question for you… do you ever feel as if there are not enough hours in the day? Or as if you’re rolling through each day without a free moment to spare?

Since reading “The Artist’s Way” and tinkering with morning pages, I’ve found incorporating writing into my routine to be a total game changer. At the end of my writing sessions (which last about ten to twenty minutes), I am surprised by the outcome each time: both how many words had been written and how many of my concerns had been addressed.

That’s why I pledge to publish monthly journal prompts for us to do together; with the goal of clearing our minds and welcoming in a slower pace of life.

Let’s get started…

Journal Prompts for Embracing the Art of Doing Less

1. Consider any areas of your life where you feel overwhelmed or stretched too thin. Write about the specific tasks or commitments that contribute to this feeling and how they impact your overall well-being.

How can you possibly delegate these tasks to create more ease and space in your life? See examples below:

Ask your partner to handle drop offs once a week
Decide you’ll have takeout from your favourite pizza place every Friday so you can have a night off dinner duties
Download free captions to automate your social media posting for your small business
Order groceries online every Sunday for pickup
Hire a cleaner to come every other week

2. Imagine a day where you prioritize self-care and relaxation. Describe what this ideal day would look like for you and how it would make you feel.

3. Explore your motivations for constantly staying busy or taking on more than you can handle. Write about any underlying beliefs or fears that drive this behavior and how it affects your ability to do less.

4. Consider your personal values and priorities. How aligned are your current activities and commitments with what truly matters to you? Write about how you can prioritize these activities while letting go of others that don’t serve you.

5. What’s one activity or habit you would like to simplify or streamline? How can you approach it with a minimalist mindset to reduce complexity or eliminate unnecessary steps?

What were your takeaways? Let me know in the comments, share these prompts with your friends and reference these prompts anytime you are feeling overwhelmed. They are great thought starters on realigning your time and energy with your priorities, passions and values.

Warmly, B